Steve Carrel is a genuis. Tina Fey is side-splitting, gut busting funny. Combine it hem and what do you get? A mediocore slice of comedy, undone by too many cameos and action scenes.
Steve and tina play a couple who have gotten into a routine. A fairly boring routine. When their friends (played with perfect wit by Kristen Wiig and Mark Ruffalo) divorce, they fear they're heading down the same path. So they go out to a fancy restraunt. After they steal a reservation, though, they find the couple they stole that reservation from are being hunted by spies...
Obviously, all HAS to end up well here. That's not the main porlbem here. The main crack in the fixture is this: the action is badly paced and (strangely) feels out of place. When Steve and Tina are throwing jokes around, the film peaks. When Ray Liotta and many, many, many, many MANY MANY others turn up, though, it ruins what could've been classic comedic pairing.

That's not to say the film is all bad. Mark and Kristen are show-stealers and,m as I said, Steve and Tina were born to be a duo. And Mark Wahlberg's scene will have you in stitches (why else is he in the other photo in this review?) The film just suffers from being too many things...and yet still having enough to warrant a rental or (perhaps) a date night.
Rating: 7.5 out of 10 or B
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