Disney has just announced a remake of The Black Hole. Don't remember it? It's that 1979 film that bombed. Disney hopes to make it a franchise. Brrr. What an ugly word: franchise. Some things are destined for that (Star Trek, Star Wars, Toy Story), but studios that once were havens for small filmmakers to get their start has quickly evolved into a cesspool of get-rich-quick films like Twilight and the upcoming Prince of Persia.
I can remember when Walt Disney himself famously stated: "You Can't Top Pigs With Pigs". They must have a motto now that says: "You Can't Top Pigs With Pigs, But You Can Top Pirates With Pirates!". Disney refuses to let anything that makes cash slip through their fingers. At least Dick Cook (the previous head of Disney films) had reasonings behind the underrated Confessions of a Shopaholic and the masterpiece Up. He made films that were great!! Rich Ross (the current head of Disney films. He joined in October. See him below.), however, has sunk more from Disney since Eisnier (Ghastly figure from Disney's past).

Rich seems to have a new idea that Disney needs to srengthen women into cinema's. Forgive me for saying so, but that's a load of garbage. Disney just scored 163 million this past summer from The Proposal and they have the Disney Princess and Fairies line to back up little girls. His new position is to make franchises and chick flicks to last forever. Translation: He wants franchises they can milk, like DreamWorks does with Shrek.
Meanwhile, Disney Feature animation is on a roll. The Princess and The Frog is coming out in next week and they hit 117 million dollars last year with Bolt. Princess is making them a bundle in dolls, and yet they have QUALITY!! Next year, Disney will premiere Rapunzel in 3D and I couldn't be more excited for it. Plus, we know PIXAR has made a film about an old man and still made 700 million dollars off of it.
What's my point? My point is that Disney Animation is looking for franchises, yes, but they don't forget the quality. Disney will make millions (maybe billions) off Princess and the Frog, but that's partially because it'll be a good film! You don't just make a film based on a PC game (below) and a 1979 Sci-Fi flop and then expect the cash to roll on in.

In coclusion, I think Disney films is in trouble, whereas Disney Animation is booming, and they should learn a lesson from the Animation group.
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