Avatar made the biggest 3rd weekend ever, landing 68.3 million dropping a mere 10%. The film has made 352.1 million here, but has reached over 1 billion worldwide. The film has surpassed the juggernaut that was The Dark Knight worldwide and overseas. It'll soon surpass Pirates of The Caribbean 2 and beat The Return of The King. Avatar could even beat Titanic.
To add on to this, the film had the biggest 3rd weekend ever and is the biggest Non-Sequel since Steven Spielberg's E.T. Avatar is the 1st film in 12 years to outdo Titanic and become the biggest film of all-time.
Sherlock Holmes made 38.3 million and has reached 140.6 million thus far. The film could wind up with 225 million and become the next big franchise for Warner Bros.
Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 went down 25% with 36.6 million. It will make around 240 million, beating it's predecessor and guranteeing a third film.
It's Complicated did amazing, dropping the least out of all of last weekends new releases, dropping 15%. The film made 18.7 million and has made 59 million. Meryl Streep seems to have, like Sandra Bullock, hit her stride late in ehr life.
Speaking of Sandra Bullock, her film The Blind Side made 12.6 million this weekend. It's total now stands at 2009 million and could reach 250 million by the end of it's run.

Up in The Air made 11.3 million this weekend. The Best Picture possible film has made 45 million, handily doing it's 25 million budget back.
The Princess and The Frog increased this weekend by 10%. The masterpiece has made 86 million and will have a total similar to Bolt, Disney's 2008 CGI flick.
The Top 12 overall made 214.1 million estimated and up 62% from last year. This could bode well for 2010 overall.
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