The Simpsons have been on so long... well it's kind of amazing. The fact that a show of any kind, even a reality show, hits 20 years is amazing. But an animated one? It seems impossble. As an extra gift to us, The Simpsons have churned out one of he finest seasons in a long time.
At the beggining of the season, it seemed like buisness as usual, with duds like Lost Verizon and Dangerous Curves. After that, it was a bunch of classics like Eeny Teeny Maya Moe and Take My Life Please. Episode wise, this was a classic season.
Bonus Feature wise, this set is an abomination. There's a 3-Minute clip to the Simpsons Documentary, but we all already saw it. The previous Season Sets had Audio Commentaries and Deleted Scenes.
Still, it's a good season and it IS nice to see the Simpsons Blu-Ray, the format of the future. If only the bonus's were as good as the episodes.
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