10. The Blind Side: This will tick off critics, but I definitely say this film deserves every penny it gets. Cute, funny and inspiring, this film is a wonderful exporation of the type of roles Sandra bullock can portray. And at the end if you ain't crying...wel you have no soul, pure and simple.
9. A Christmas Carol: Another unexpected 'un. This film cuaght me off-guard completley and dazzled me. The UnCanny Valley has completley been washed away. Jim Carrey gives a pitch perfect performance and makes this one of the best adaptations of the classic tale ever.
8. Star Trek: J.J. Abrams has created, along with Avatar, a Star Wars type film that has fun, laughs and action coming through in spades. This film leaves you awe-struck and makes you wish The Enterprise came around much more often. Good job, Kirk for this one.

7. 2012: A modern day Towering Inferno? Mayhaps. This film combines thrilling events (they're gonna crash...into Mount Everest!!) with down-to Earth humans. A tale full of sacrifice and destruction, it's one of those rare films that's a little bit of everything...and is just flat-out perfect.
6. Sherlock Holmes: This choice is elementary, my dear readers. Robert Downy Jr. gives an Oscar winning performance as the grand sleuth and makes Sherlock a hero...but still unlike any version we've seen of him before. It's quite a film and quite a mystery as to why no one else thought Holmes could be an action hero.
5. The Princess and The Frog: Disney was in a rut earlier this decade with Home on The Range and Atlantis. Now, they hit the gold mine of fun, music and depth they were missing. This film may even be on par with films like Dumbo and The Little Mermaid. It's a classic, one that deserves so much more. This is a film that'll stick like glue to future generations and prove Disney is still an animation king.

4. Where The Wild Things Are: A kids movie? As if. Dismemberment, tantrums and betrayl are all an integral part of this polarizing, but brilliant film. It may be a stretch, but I certainly think this film is a modern day E.T.

3. The Fantastic Mr. Fox: Talk about misleading marketing. This film will leave in stitches and awe as Wes Anderson creates a film that leaves you begging for more. George Clooney is stunning as Mr. Fox and leads you to love him like in Michale Clayton and the Ocean's films. Wes has created a picture that will remain essential to any animation viewing.

2. Up: Wow. PIXAR ain't number one. Still, this film is a masterpiece, PIXAR's near best. Carl Fredrickson's sad montage at the beggining is guranteed to leave you in tears. And about Dug...well let's just say he's a great tracker, okay? SQUIRELL!

1. Avatar: James Cameron has created The Godfather of sci-fi. A modern day Star Wars. He has transformed cinema from nice to breathtaking. Every single 3D moment leaves you breathless, wanting to see it again immediatly. Thisi s a film that'll one day be known as a triumph of both storytelling and visual effects. A rare modern day masterpiece.

There you have it. Hope you enjoyed reading it. I can't wait to seee what 2010 brings.
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