Ever since Sony announced 4 days ago that Spider-Man was getting the reboot, I have been getting reports after report of rumblings going on about the new franchise. What do I know? Here is what I have now:
* Sam Raimi dropped out because he felt he couldn't match that 2011 date and still be creativley good.
* Sony had been devolping the reboot and Spider-Man 4 side-by-side. The 4th film would be the final part of the Sma Raimi quadology and the reboot would be out the following year in 2012.
* A slew of directors are trying to get into the film. The one that's likely to be chosen is Marc Webb, direcotr of (500) Days of Summer. David Fincher, James Cameron, Wes Anderson and even Neil Blompkamp are also in the running to direct.
* Who is likely to play Peter Parker? None other than Robert Pattison or Tyler Lautner. My spidey-sense is tingling now...for all the wrong reasons.
This disaster could be good if Wes ANderson driected...but I don't know. We'll see come 2012.
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