Old Dogs is an odd puppy. By that, I mean it's just plain, flat out strange. I feel like the filmmakers were given a choice: Tone down a new Wild Hog's like film or get out. The makers took the first option and ran with it. What we get is a very jumbled up picture that you sincerely wish had been just better and much funnier.
The film is about Dan (Robin Williams) and Charlie (John Travolta) who learn that Dan's one night wife had kids. So Dan has a big problem, especially when you count that Dan also has a big sports franchise to handle! What will happen next??
I think we all see the end coming 40 miles away. In fact, during the previews you know how this will turn out. But that can be overlooked. After all, we knew how Transformers 2 and Up would turn out. Yet their great films. Why isn't this that great then? BEcause not a soul is really funny here.
Seth Green..Robin Williams..Justing Long...how did this not end up being uproarious. They spoiled everything good in the TV spots, that's why. Unlike, Wild Hogs, surprises are not left unturned. I liked Wild Hogs, but I was bewildered by this obvious cash-in. Too much filthy toilet humour is here, though I did like when John Travolta met the kids and when Seth Green serenades a gorilla.
Stupidity makes money in Hollywood it seems. This isn't the worst film of the year, but it's certainly not very good and one to avoid altogether. See Fox or Christmas Carol or Blind Side instead.
Rating: C- or 5.7 out of 10
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