Robert Zemeckis has nearly hit a career high recently with his Christmas Carol. Emphasis on nearly. This film and Back to The Future prove his peak. To be quite frank, I may like this film better than Back to The Future, but maybe maybe I should watch Future again to settle the opinion. Anyway, this film is as great as they come and definitely deserves the praise it's gotten.
This film is about Forrest Gump, a man who at a bus stop, tells many people about his life, ranging from Vietnam to a girl that he loves named Jenny. During his tales he gains fame, fortune and love.
Tom Hanks is wonderful in one of his best films he's ever done. It's quite amazing that they had the technology at the time to incorporate Tom Hanks into such old archive footage. It still remains a high point for visual effects to this day.

This entire film is among the most wonderful ever created and is one of the best films of the whole 90's decade. I could even argue it's in the Top 25 best films ever. Forrest Gump is one film that is impossible not to love and cherish. A cinematic masterpiece that one shall never forget.
Rating: A+ or 9.7 out of 10
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