Pranks and Greens was about Bart finding out that he wasn't the best prankster ever. As funnily put by Skinner, he may be the best of his era, but not of all-time. The prankster turned out to be none other than...Andy Hamilton (Jonah Hill). It turns out Bart thinks Andy needs a life, so he helps Andy get a job with Krusty.
Jonah Hill is a good comedian and he does well here (Seth Rogen, his somewhat partner guest starred in this seasons premiere, just as a note). I also felt that a lot of good gags were in here like the exploding pen, Andy's hair, Swim Teacher Willie, the names of the pranks and by far the best joke of the season Krusty's things he couldn't do. Among them were: "I won't see screenplays, I won't give a rising star his first break, won't give an old hack his last break...".
There was also a B plot in this episode. Marge decided to get more healthy so she went shopping at a local health food market. I like the whole health food rotting in seconds gag and the Lard Glug drink. However, it must be admitted that everything else was filler, tohugh funny filler.
This was nice episode, another classic for this nearly 20 year old show. After last weeks dud I was worried. But now, I see they are back on track. Good job you guys! Really liked this one!!
Overall: A- or 8.7 out of 10
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