We've already covered Hasbro's first toy-to-film of 2009, so I thought to rewatch G.I. Joe. God help us all, but I also enjoyed this one and felt like it was a lot of fun.
This time, the toys that are live-action are the Joes, a top secret government co-op group. They hire Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripcord (One of The Wayon Bros.), two guys who have a connection with the antagonist: The Baroness. General Hawk (Dennis Quaid) hires them to hunt The Baroness and her team The Cobra down along with Snake Eyes and a few others.
This has breakneck action, something that it continues from it's "brother": Transformers. Soon, we will have Monopoly and Battleship films (Battleship is slated for 8/5/11)., but this may be the last one that really has reasoning behind it to become a big blockbuster. I liked Snake-Eyes and a rare thing happened in here: Character development!! GASP!! You don't see that in regular boom-boom films these days!!
Although it does feel slight cliched mainly in the diolauge (At one point a chartacter says "The Joes will not stop us this time." I kid you not.) It still is a great time. For any needing a little testosterone, this is the genuine aticle for you.
Rating: B+ or 8.6 out of 10
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