This is how you know the holidays have arrived. When you notice that holiday specials have started to pop up. However, say one holiday special you love isn't on TV or you hate commercials (like I do) Then you need to go check out this DVD. It comes loaded with 4 great classics, one decent show and 2 okay specials. Below, I've included the titles of each and a small description and review:
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer: Rudolph is exiled from the North Pole because of his red nose. He joins Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist and Cornelious who's looking for silver and gold. However, tragedy befalls the earth in the form of a snow-storm. Could Rudolph perhaps save the day?
I love this special more and more each year. Laughs come a plenty (Love the oddity of Hermey's job choice. Dentist? Wow.) The animation sparkles as well and you just wish they could produce more clay than just 2 every 3 years. With music that's also fun to listen too, I really feel like this is the epidemy of X-mas specials and one that set the standard for more Christmas shows to come.

Frosty The Snowman: Using a magicians hat, children bring a snowman by the name of Frosty to life. On his trip to the North Pole, Frosty encounters an evil magician and learns about love and Christmas.
Frosty never gets old thanks to his optimism and undying joy. It's probably one of the few non-clay Christmas shows, so it really stands out in vivid memory. Unlike many villains today (like in G-Force or Fast & Furious) the villain's motive is clear and understandable. A true classic.
Cricket On The Hearth: An old toymaker and his daughter are visited by an old cricket who brings them peace and happiness. Based on Charles Dickens tale.
Just barely the weakest of the bunch (the second weakest is below), it's still fair. However, when you watch it right after Rudolph and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, you really get the feeling this is a slipshod job on the creators part. A forgettable outing.
Frosty Returns: Frosty comes back (With the voice of John Goodman)! However, this time he is in Beanboro and meets a new friend by the name of Holly. Together, they must save snow from Summer Wheeze, a new gas created by Mr. Twitchell (Brian Doyle Murray)

Here's the second weakest one. I wish they'd make a real sequel to Frosty (they sort of did though with the infinitly superior classic Frosty's Winter Wonderland). This dosen't have a lot of fun in it and has a very cartoonish Tex Avery quality to it. It doesn't work well and overall hurts the program very much.
Santa Clause Is Coming To Town: Ever wonder how Santa came to be? Wonder no more!! This special covers the who, what and how of Santa in this classic.
Here's another masterpiece, including the famous song Pot One Foot In Front of The Other. It's certainly a wonderful show that makes a lasting impression. A superb special.
The Little Drummer Boy: A shepard from the East follows a star that leads him to the greatest event in makind history: the birth of Jesus.
This is an ok one. It isn't the worst on the set but it is the middle road certainly. There's not much to be happy about in this one and that's something that is needed in Christmas specials. A decent outing.
Mr. Maggo's Christmas Carol: Mr. Magoo portrays Scrooge in a play in this special retelling of Charle Dickens immortal story.
The first ever animated special has arrived and it's one of the best on the disk. Mr. Magoo certainly does a fine job here and this show has a ton of heart to it. By the end, you understand Scrooge's transformation and feel for him. Yet laughs still come in nice doses. This one is a sure-fire keeper.

A nice showing of specials. However, I wish they had traded Cricket and Frosty Returns for The Year Without A Santa Clause and Frosty's Winter Wonderland. Still, this is a nice showing and a nice buy if you have the cash.
Rating: 8.4 out of 10 or B+
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