This is one of those times where TV ratings baffle me. Besides one character *possibly* being durink, I cannot imagine why this isn't G. Other than that minor quibble, there isn't much to be said about Merry Madagascar except that it's alright.
You have likely seen the two Madagascar films. This takes place between the two, when they hurt Santa Clause (GASP!!) , give him amnesia, and then have to save Christmas. A bit cliche' of a plot? Oh yes. This whole thing has been done before. But at least it's a little cute.
The whole cast has returned, including Ben Stiller, though not Sacha Baron Choen (Bruno). There is a few very funny things, like a claustrobia line, Santa's gifts to the 4 main animals and the Russian reidneer (They belong to Santa) and their war with the penguins. Some good stuff there. It's way better than the made for money only second Madagascar, so maybe this is a step in the right direction for the franchise which will become a trilogy in 2012.
Rating: B or 7.3 out of 10
Note: You can see this again on December 11, 2009 or buy it only at Wal-Mart on DVD.
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