You might think this is way too late. After all, 2010 is 24 days old. However, some new trailers for a majority of 2010 films have come in, giving a good opinion on what they'll be like (though they can be misleading, see Extraordinary Measures). So, without further ado, let me introduce some of the can't wait flicks of the year.
Shutter Island: Martin Scorsese. Need I say more? A little? Alright then. This film may have been post-poned from October, but that seems to have been because of some budget problems: the film looks amazing. This could be a great thriller like The Shining if Martin can really do it right. I have the utmost confidence though we'll be seeing a master at work when this baby hits theatres. (February 5, 2010)
The Lightning Thief: I actually am a fan of the books and of Percy Jackson and his demigod buddies. Camp Half-Blood seems like a great place to be and surprisingly this film looks like it good be great too. I like the casting of Pierce Brosnan and Brandon T. Jackson, casting choices that may say they wanted the film to have good actors that could really portray the characters well, a rarity these days. (February 12, 2010)
Alice In Wonderland: This one is near the top of my list. Johnny Depp and Tim Burton have been a dynamite combo before, but this film looks to be a mind-blower, perhaps even close to an Avatar scale. This is one film that looks to be hailed by all ages and maybe get Johnny Depp that Best Actor Oscar he so richly deserves. (March 5, 2010)
Season of The Witch: Say what you will, but I love Johnny Depp and this looks right up his alley. He definitely looks great here, but it's also the brilliant Ron Perlman that looks great. It may be dark, but the film still looks like a grand piece of kick-butt action. (March 19, 2010)
How To Train Your Dragon: This film looks like it's gonna break the DreamWorks tradition like Kung Fu Panda did and be much better than people thought it would. The trailer looks touching and perhaps a little adventurous. The Lilo and Stitch director Chris Sanders directs this film and it shows. It looks much different than most animated movies and I hope it's differ net as well in one single department: good quality. (March 26 ,2010)
Date Night: Tina Fey and Steve Carrel are funny alone. Together? That can only add up to hilarity, especially when you put them in a James bond like situation. The trailer is uproarious and I can't wait to see the final product (April 9, 2010)
Iron Man 2: Robert Downy Jr. has hit his peak right now..or will when this baby comes out. I loved the 1st Iron Man, probably one of the best of 2008. I have been waiting for a sequel and BOOM! here it is! Although Don Cheadle's casting could be awkward, but I still think this could be one of 2010's best pictues right here.
Robin Hood: Russel Crowe where have you been (except for the classic Body of Lies)? Filming this I guess. The fact that Ridley Scott directs this only adds to the intrigue. True, it may not be a classic like Iron Man 2 or laice in Wodnerland oculd be, but Robin Hood sure looks fun and I'll be there on oepning weekend to see it.
Prince of Persia: It was bound to happen that Disney would want to get a new Pirates like frnachise started. But who knew it would be based off this game? Though it's property is odd, it could be a fun movie, espicially since it takes place in a rare Egyptian time that you don't see of tne in films.
Look for Part II soon (there MAY be a PArt III. I'll see soon enough.)